Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday - Laundry Room

My laundry room is finally done!!

Remember this post when I spray painted them black?

As I was blog hopping last week I visited Heather's Blog and saw her finished laundry room. It inspired me to finish decorating mine.

I went shopping around my house. I found 2 unused prints and an entertaining trio.

Since I am a muralist I had to paint on the walls. Money spent $0!

I needed to hang up my swiffer and the broom so I just used long nails.

No expensive fancy hard
wear needed.

Yes... I need an new broom it is so ugly!
I want one of those animal print ones from Kirklands.

So long, farewell ugly laundry room!
Now if only I enjoyed doing laundry....

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  1. looks great! I've been wanting to redo my laundry husband thinks I'm nuts! I spend so much time in there, it might as well be pretty!

  2. Looks good! I wish I had a laundry room...all I have is a space big enough for my washer and dryer. I hate living in an apartment :(

  3. Looks great!! Now I know what you've been up to!

    I remember when we moved into our new house and our new big specially designed laundry room, Kyndal asked me if I liked doing laundry now. I said, 'I don't think I'll ever like doing laundry. but at least I'm not *issed off the whole time I'm doing it now!" (Sorry about the naughty word!)

    Hope you guys are well!!

  4. Gorgeous! I especially love the scroll on top! :)

  5. It is so cute...i can't see the top of my washer and dryer for all the extra tulle and ribbon that is 'stored' there...kudos to you!

  6. *SQUEAL*

    I just bought that exact fleur-de-lis scroll thing at HobLob yesterday! I'm going to use mine in my daughter's room, but now you've given me ideas ...

    I don't know how much the animal print brooms are at Kirkland's, but I bought one at Garden Ridge last year for $11. The handle ended up breaking off after a couple months and I thought the broom part was so cute, I kept it and use it to sweep cat litter.

    Great job on your laundry room!

  7. Note to the frugal, my Walmart now has animal print brooms and mops might check there for a cheaper alternative?

    Amy in Texas

  8. Great looking laundry room...I am planning on working on mine floor...curtain to hide a shelf..and add some decor.


  9. Oh I love your laundry room!!! I miss my black cabinets so much!! You did a great job, love it!!!

  10. The black cabinets are great! Ha, yes, even if my laundry room was more attractive I wouldn't enjoy the task either!

  11. thank you so much for your comment! I love your laundry room!great before and after... and i love the decal on the wall...too cute!

  12. amen! i hate doing laundry! :( it looks great!

  13. Wish I had your painting skills. sigh... Good job!

  14. I feel like I spend half my life in my laundry room. It wouldn't be so bad if mine were half as cute as yours! Great job. Those cabinets made all the difference. Love your murals too. You have a gift!


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