Friday, September 18, 2009

Favorite Recipe - Mexican Lasagna

I am a little late posting my "Go-To" recipe from Kelly's Korner. Better late than never right? Somehow that is becoming my new motto.

This is a recipe I made up, enjoy!

I live in Texas and we LOVE our mexican food.

Jen's Tex- Mex Lasagna
Here is how it's done:
What you need:
2 cans of red enchilada sauce (I use Old El Paso brand)
1 package of flour tortilla's
1 pound ground beef
1 small can of corn
1 can of black beans
1 package of shredded cheddar cheese
Optional: diced red and green peppers

Cook and drain the ground beef

Return beef to skillet add corn, black beans, and peppers (I usually add garlic powder and ground cumin to season)

In a 9 X 13 glass cooking pan add a little enchilada sauce

Start layer with tortilla's torn in big pieces

Layer 2 beef mixture

Layer 3 top with cheese

Layer 4 top with tortilla's

Layer 5 top with enchilada sauce

Continue layers until you run out of space or meat. Top the very top with tortilla's and enchilada sauce and top with cheese

Cover with foil and Bake 375 for 35 minutes or until bubbly. I use a convection oven so cooking temps vary.

Enjoy! We serve with chips and guacamole. This freezes really yum! I usually make a double batch and put on in the freezer.

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