Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

I need your help my friends....

So I got my husband a deep fryer for his birthday. Yes I know, right after I found out about my high cholesterol. Don't worry I don't like fried fish. I do however LOVE everything else fried especially fried jalapeno sliced dipped in queso. Sorry I regress....

After frying the fish I am left with 2 quarts of oil. What do I do with it? Can you reuse it? Throw it out? What?

Anyone have any healthy frying recipes?? HA!

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  1. You can reuse the oil many times. Just use it till you start to see a colour change (to a more black colour). Then I think you have to dispose of it.

  2. My husband wants a deep fryer so badly. I can't do it, because I would find ways to fry every.thing! Everything tastes better dipped in batter and fried :)


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