Thursday, August 13, 2009

TX Kroger Super Double Day!!

Texas Kroger's will be doubling coupons up to $1.00 on Saturday, August 15th! Check out a comprehensive list of the deals and match ups here.

I'm going Kroggering... remember that commercial from back in the day?

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  1. Fabulous!! Love Kroger anyway because they are one of the few that triple coupons still but up to a dollar is HUGE. I'll be shopping early on Saturday! Thanks for sharing.

    See you Friday night!


  2. I'm so Kroger's down here! That's just not fair!

  3. I've already got my coupons ready!!

  4. You guys are so good, using coupons. I never seem to cut many.

  5. now I totally wish I was going to be in town for this! Ha!!! Btw, I am having a give away on my blog! And I'll e-mail you about being in town this weekend!

  6. Really enjoyed last night! It's so awesome to get to sit and chat with such great ladies!

  7. I just started following your blog (actually read it on Thursday for the first time), but thanks so much for the heads up. I'm not as good about following the "grocery game" as I used to be. I still clip coupons and use them, just not planning and saving tons like in the past. BUT, today I saved over 60% on my grocery bill. Woo-hoo!!


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