Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thrify Thursday - Swap Meet?

As I was reading one of my favorite decorating blogs The Nester it hit me our next blog party should be a swap meet! Take a look and see the Nester Style Swap Meet.

How about sometime in October? You know us busy girls have to plan ahead.

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  1. I saw that post too and thought it looked like a great idea.

  2. Yeah I saw that too. She did a wonderful job explaining how it all pans out. What type of swap meet are you thinking about?

  3. Count me in! Just let me know the details!

  4. I saw that. Wouldn't you LOVE to have been at her swap party?!

  5. my girlfriends and i has a swap party this summer, it was so much fun! it is a great way to refresh a wardrobe too!


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