Monday, August 31, 2009

Menu Monday

I enjoyed reading where you grocery shop! Thank you for the comments, I enjoy reading every one!! Comments make me smile.

We have a super busy week. Lots of back to school meetings. Kate also starts back to dance classes. This is when I put on my super mom cape...

Monday: Ground Beef Taco's with Knorr Spanish Rice and Black Beans

Tuesday: Leftover Taco Meat for Quesadilla's

Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Cesar Salad

Thursday: Frozen Dinners

Friday: Make Your Own Pizza. We eat in the living room and watch a family movie.

What's your favorite easy weekday meal?

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  1. I really need to start menu planning.Great menu,sounds good!

  2. My favorite easy meal is steak. We usually have baked potatoes with it so I can leave them in the oven even if I have to go somewhere. Then, all I have to do is throw the steak on the grill when I get home.

  3. My favorite easy meal is pot roast. You just throw it all in the crock pot the night before and put it in the fridge. Then in the morning take it out and turn it on to cook!

  4. i'm so inspired by your weekly menu planning...i keep saying one of these days I'm actually going to do it! LOL

  5. OHhhhhh, can I come to dinner on Wednesday night?? Yummy, loved ceasar salad and it's even better with chicken!


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