Monday, August 3, 2009

Menu Monday

On our trip we had some good food. One of my favorites was the pizza. Here is Kate enjoying some cheese pizza.
I got a little bad news from my doctor when I got home... I have high cholesterol. They told me to work out at least 3 days a week. OK so I already work out 5 days a week so that means I have to alter my diet.

So I am looking for tips from any of you who battle this problem too.

Monday: Happy Birthday Josh!! We are having family over for a fish fry.

Tuesday: I am hoping we have leftovers.

Wednesday: Grilled Burritos
Thursday: Grilled Turkey Panni Sandwichs and Salad
Friday: No more pre-made pizza :( too much saturated fat. I will be making pizza dough and sauce from scratch. Time to get out my recipes. I am hoping to make extra's and freeze.
Hey all your Dallas/ Fort Worth Blogger girls, we are planning a get together on Friday, August 14th. Please email me if you are interrested, also send me a link to your blog.

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  1. That's awesome, your hubby and mine share the same birthday!

    Sorry about the cholesterol, I hav it too, and I'm not as good about it as I should be. I know I should because all the women in my family are on meds and I don't want to go that route. I'll watch your blog for tips :)

  2. Happy Birthday Posh Josh:)

    Umm my first guess would be this is your last fish fry mama~ no more fried anything! You have to get your heart in shape!! Try my friend Heather makes loads of stuff from there and you can't tell it is good for you! Everything I've ever had has been delicious!

  3. we make homemade pizzas on whole wheat flat pita bread (not pockets). they are yummy & cheaper than the whole wheat pizza crusts :)

  4. I love your website-I always check it out for menu ideas :)
    I'm Lindsey at
    I would love to come to the get-together on the 14th, but I'm on bedrest-due in Sept! I'd love to come to the next one :)

  5. I also have high cholesterol & to be honest with you.....I'm not a very good patient anymore! lol
    But in the beginning I ate Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios everyday & I lowered my cholesterol 30 pts in 6 months. BUT I kinda fell off the wagon. I need to get back on it!! LOL

  6. I love your website! You have such great ideas! I found out about it from your hair girl Kim she is my sis-in-law. Any how about the high cholesterol... I had that happen and the doctor told me to eat like the second and third phases in the south beach. But on another note if you happen to take effexor an anit-depresant it raises your cholesterol. You dr. will tell you no it doesnt but everyone I know who takes it has high cholesteroal... a good 5 or 6 people and my cousin is a drug rep for the manufacturer and confirmed that it is true... they just don't discuss that side effect with the doctors! Gotta love the drug companies! Good luck!

  7. Some of the cholesterol thing is genetic, but I do think increasing oat consumption (via cheerios or good ol' plain oatmeal) and decreasing meat consumption is a good route to go. I know Posh Josh is a meat for every meal guy, but maybe you can sneak in some meatless dishes like black bean chili or veggie stirfry. I use as a the base of several of my recipes. I have a small recipe blog ( that has some meatless dishes. Good luck!


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