Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm Back....Vegas Vacation!!

Vegas Baby! I have to start my review with my favorite photo. Me and Josh at dinner. I just love this photo! We stayed at the Bellagio, in my opinion the nicest hotel on the strip. It even smells good in the casino, that says a lot out there.

We had a fab time with our friends Michael and Regina from Colorado! As you can see from the table shot, we had some great drinks.

Yes, I tried my luck but as I suspected no go... I am not lucky when it comes to gambling. I sure gave it a good try.

We had a wonderful 4 days of relaxing and sightseeing. My favorite part is looking at the hotels. Wow, there are some great one's. My 2nd favorite was the Paris resort across the street.
Now are you ready for some Vegas tips???
  1. Nothing in Vegas says frugal. It says "Give me more money". Be prepared.
  2. Bring some breakfast bars so you can skip the $20 breakfast buffet.
  3. Know what you can afford to gamble and stop when you get there.
  4. DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILDREN! It is not family friendly. We were shocked at the billboards and little cards.
  5. Bring some comfortable shoes or at least break them in before you go. Lot's of walking!
  6. Research the hotels online, you get what you pay for. I recommend the Bellagio, Venetian or Paris Hotel's.

    We had a wonderful time! My favorite memory is walking around and holding my husband's hand. I suggest a vacation anywhere without the kids. Thank you Josh for an amazing trip! I love you!!!

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  1. How was the weather. My hubby and I are leaving for Vegas on July 10th. We also stay at the high end hotels. I will share when we return. Glad you had a great time.

  2. OOOOOH! Looks like you had a great time!

    Is Kate up for 6 flags next week? I'll give you a call.

  3. Fun, fun! I totally recommend the Rio, as well. It's not quite on the strip like the Bellagio, but the rooms are fantastic and you can get a really, really good deal there right now!

    I'm so envious. I need a vacation!

  4. The Bellagio huh?! Wow! I'm jealous. I've always wanted to go to Vegas. Thanks for the tips. I wrote them down so I'll have 'em when I get to go....someday!


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