Thursday, July 16, 2009

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

What a great afternoon, VIP service at the Extreme Makeover Home Edition shooting! My BFF Adrien was chosen as the staff photographer for the builder Cheldan Homes. Let me tell you this girl is an AMAZING photographer. She has gotten some phenomenal shots for the builder. She has also made lots of friends on the set. Everyone just falls in love with Adriens friendly personality. She's my best friend so of course she is great!

Designer Paul at the unloading of the van.
This is what the shot looks like behind the scenes. This is the moving furniture out of the van into the house. Did you know I was to be in this shot except my over active bladder got in the way :( I had to rush off to the bathroom.
The house looks great. I was lucky to tour it, of course I couldn't take any photos of that. My next favorite part was the food! They have some of the top caters with all you can eat food. I left stuffed and completely happy I got to be on the set.

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  1. How awesome to be on set!! Lucky!:)

  2. Cool!!! They just did a house not too far from here! :)

  3. I was able to volunteer for an Extreme Home Makeover for my friends brother. In fact, I think they must have been going on at the exact same time. Paige and Michael were at this makeover.....

    I knew they said they had another house thay Ty was flying to....

    What a wonderful experience for all...especially your friend!


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