Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thrifty Thursday- Staycation?

Play tourist in your hometown! Sunday we have family day this time we played tourist. We headed out to Bass Pro shop for some boat browsing. Look it's like we're on vacation!
We worked up an appetite and headed over to Rainforest Cafe a super tourist spot. Can you believe this is the first time we've eaten here?
So much fun! We even had a coupon for $10 off!
Of course you have to have the touristy dessert... the volcano.
Check out your city's local attractions and pretend to be tourist for a day. You will find you can have lots of fun close to home.

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  1. We do tend to overlook what's in our own backyards, don't we? It looks like you guys had a great time.

  2. We just did the Children's Museum at Fair Park. Tons of fun!

  3. We have so much around here that I never even get to do! I've never eaten at the rainforest cafe either! Each summer we try to do several local field trip/touristy things. Did Will like that volcano??


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