Monday, June 1, 2009

Menu Monday

It's officially summer, the kids are out of school! I've been figuring out my calendar. We have June almost completely filled up already.

Take a look at my menu below. Either it says busy or lazy. I say both! I am in such a cooking rut. I am wanting some easy and cheap recipes. Yes I have a ton of cookbooks but I want mom tested recipes. So send me your recipes!! Please!

Monday:Taco's with Rice and Beans
Tuesday: Leftover Taco meat for Nachos
Wednesday:Spaghetti, green beans and Rolls
Thursday: Hot Dogs and Grilled Cheese with Tator Tots
Friday: Leaving for weekend at the lake!

Is it me or does my menu sounds like a school cafeteria menu? Can you tell I am cooking for 3 kids?

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  1. I have 2 teens home for the summer. I really need to start planning snacks. I think the key is to not let them get too hungry. I posted my suppers for the week. Breakfasts and suppers they tend to fix for themselves.

  2. Hahaha I love it! That's how I've been cooking too, it's too hot to cook complicated! :)

    Your schools are out early! DH's schools don't get out until June 29 or something like that!

  3. I answered your comment on my blog :)

  4. OK- i can't say much. My husband left for a business trip yesterday and i very enthusiastically served cereal. And I would serve it every night if I didn't think it would be mean. My dream in the menu department is to prepare a bunch of stuff and put it in the freezer for those days i don't want to cook (everyday). Or find a few friends that would cook and we could exchange. Sounds good but follow through is hard.


  5. Here are my tested and approved recipes! I haven't added all of my favorites yet but all the ones listed are favorites!

  6. Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog!

    Now that it's warm, we like to do grilled chicken or fish, really easy to season them up and just throw on the grill, and I love pasta salads. And pasta salad makes perfect leftovers for lunch the next day. (you can always mix in a can of tuna for protein too).

  7. Your menu sounds suspiciously like mine. ;) Any tips for getting a 16 month old to eat???! I am at my wits end. My three year old would eat cardboard if I put peanut butter on it. ;) Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. you have to start getting the Everyday Food magazine that I get. We have been getting it for about 4 or 5 years now and I cook from it ALL the time. It's not that much for the subscription, maybe $12 for a year?? you should check it out! do to

    talk to ya soon-


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