Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Speaking of Pie....

After reading my post this morning about pies and hair nets my BF Adrien brought me this!
A yummy apple pie! Thank you Adrien!!!
I am still wondering what is your favorite kind of pie?
P.S. Posh Josh if you are reading... I need a new camera. Mine is horrible see how blurry it is???

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  1. Oh WOW! Now that's a wonderful friend to have. I love my best friend to pieces, but she can't cook, so hope she doesn't bring me a pie. LOL

    I have two favorite pies: Coconut Cream and Buttermilk. Love them both equally.

  2. That was very nice! My favorite is coconut cream. I have a huge dislike for cooked fruit.

  3. love buttermilk pie or custard pie...or well really any kind of pie is ok in my book:)

  4. Lemon meringue - although I don't like the bottom pie crust. I wish you could make lemon meringue cobbler . . .

  5. Mmm...Doesn't Adrien live near me? You think she still has some pie left??

    Just kidding! My favorite is cocont. I also like buttermilk and lemon meringue.

  6. What a crappy camera. Have Posh call me. I'll hook him up.

    So when you bringing some pie over?

  7. I wish my best friend could bake. My favorite pie is Fresh Strawberry pie, I especially love and miss my Grandma's strawberry pie!

  8. I'm with Domestic Diva...fresh strawberry pie is a favorite of mine, along with banana cream and pumpkin. Connie

    What a nice friend!!

  9. I'm still lovin the hair!

    I like apple, pecan, lemon and chocolate!


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