Thursday, May 14, 2009

Little Miss Turns 2!

I am taking the next couple days off from blogging. Little Miss turns two and we are busy preparing for her party... lots of cleaning and baking. I look forward to posting my frugal party next week. Our theme is Garden Party. Praying the rain will hold off until after the party.

Here's a couple photos of my little miss.

I just love this girl so much... I also love and adore my other 2 children :) It amazes me how God made mothers to have an endless amount of love for her children. Being a mother is the greatest blessing.

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  1. Oh, I just love that first picture! I heard 50% chance of rain for saturday. I hope it misses your house! Oh, we bought her gift yesterday. Claire picked it out herself and is very excited. Hope she likes it!

  2. So cute! We can't wait until Saturday!

  3. She is precious.
    What a cutie!

  4. Oh my goodness, she is SO cute! Have fun, I'll be looking forward to hearing about the party!

  5. I agree...being a mother is the greatest blessing and being a grandma is even better! Enjoy your birthday party and looking forward to hearing about your frugal party. I'm anxious to learn some of your secrets. Connie

  6. What a cutie!!!

    Thanks for sharing! So neat to see where everyone is from. You're not far from us!!

  7. Hope you had a wonderful B-Day Little Miss!!!

    Jen, I have been going back and forth about cutting it for some time and still have not mustered up the nerve to do it. That is until I read your post about donating your hair. It inspired me! I am going in next week to get mine cut off. I am so excited that not only am I getting my hair cut finally but I am helping out someone else as well :-) I can't wait to post pics!


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