Friday, May 1, 2009

Freebie Friday

Hope you enjoy a freebie Friday, a little short list this week!

We have a busy weekend planned and hope to hit some garage sales on Saturday. A blog I enjoy is having a chalkboard paint linky party next week. So I'm on the hunt for something to make a chalk board with. Visit her blog so you can join in next Friday!

Free Sample of Degree Deodorant- this is my favorite brand. It really keeps the stink away!

Free Window Blind Safety Kit- This is a great freebie to secure and child proof your window

Free Barnes & Noble Book- sign up and have your child read 8 books and get a free book. We enjoy these summer reading programs.

Free Hallmark Mothers Day Card- Sign up online and you can get a free card mailed to mom.

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  1. Speaking of garage sales.... I'm having a community garage sale at our church in Plano on May 16th. You can have a booth, sell your stuff, keep your money or come and shop til you drop. Hunters Glen Baptist Church in Plano. Come stop by and say hi! I know it's a little far for you Jen but in case you have readers in the area.

    Looking foward to the blackboard paint post!

  2. Hi Frugal Jen!
    I love the fun blogs I can find by jumping around from blog to blog! I ordered some Degree through your site AND sent a Hallmark card to my Mom! Thanks so much!


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