Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday- Garage Sale Finds

Remember this photo of a garage sale find ($5 for all 3 shelves) that started this?
So I didn't put them in the living room I found a great empty space in the dining room.
The shelves turned this blank wall....

Into this great wall!

A little can of spray paint did the trick! Plus a $20 trip to wally world (wal-mart) for frames.
Garage sale season is upon us so be on the look out for good home accent pieces.
Remember anything can be painted and transformed!

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  1. Looks really good! The black pops on that wall!:)

  2. They look great! Your wasteless wednesday post goes really well with Earth Day today!

  3. Looks GREAT! I love them in black. I have some as well. Great job!

  4. Fabbo! Turned out great. Now keep an eye out for frames while you're out garaging--I see dozens of them all the time.

  5. Love the way you arranged them. Beautiful!


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