Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday- Don't Trash It

We have this ugly side table. This is something you could easily find by the trash. It has functioned in Josh's fraternity room as a beer table (pre-Jen). Served as a lamp table in various apartments we've lived in. Finally it has been a printer table next to my computer for the last couple years. It's hidden in a corner no one really sees except for me when I am on the computer. (Which is more time than I will admit)

Not very attractive! Instead of trashing the table I painted it. Much better! I primed it first then spray painted it black. Total $6. I also spent some time cleaning out my desk = FREE

I would like to pick up some black frames and put some family recipes above the printer table.

This is what the desk area looked like before we bought the house. I removed the wall paper. Then textured and painted the walls. This teal and white look was so 1990!

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  1. Awesome job!! When we lived in our other house, and were needing an update, I did that to our kitchen table and chairs. Black looks so awesome! I also transformed a brass chandelier by spray painting it black then flecking it with copper paint, changed the shades and voila! It looked like a new dining room for about $10.

  2. It looks great! Was that your test run and now you'll do the TV cabinet?

  3. Black spray paint is my favorite decorating tool! I wish I had taken before pictures BEFORE I spraypainted all my frames and my kitchen table and chairs black. I have always spraypainted old cheap silver looking platters red and black and they make very cool accessories! You go girl!!!

  4. That looks so good! I need to start doing things like that instead of asking for somthing new. I have an old dresser that is venner..I think I am going to find a way to spraypaint it black to match my bedroom. I love your desk too!

  5. Great job! Don't ya just love spray paint? I can't get enough of it! Cheap and totally changes the look. Trash to treasure!

  6. It looks happy to find your blog...and all your great tips. Will be back often.....
    Hope you will stop by and see me...


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