Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thrifty Thursday- Easy Banana Bread

I was checking my email yesterday when I got a reminder that Thursday I am scheduled to bring snacks to my journal group. Oh no! How did I forget? I found this out just as I finished making a meal to take to a new mom at church. Now, I have to figure out what snack to bring!!

So what did I do? I searched my cookie or bread mix. Then, I looked over and saw some brown banana's. Bingo, banana bread from scratch! Well almost ... I had some Bisquick. I got online and found this recipe . And guess what? I had all the ingredients!! I ran out of sugar so I added a little brown sugar instead. As a little bonus, I used up the rest of my Hershey mini morsels. It turned out great! This was my first attempt to make banana bread from scratch (it wasn't out of a box mix)! I am so excited I spent $0!!!!

What is your favorite frugal snack to bring to meetings or gatherings?

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  1. my favorite is yummy! Basically its crackers with ranch, oil, red pepper, and they get mixed together then you let them soak all the yummy flavors good!

  2. Hey girl - my neighborhood is having a garage sale this weekend. I think tomorrow and Saturday. It's Caldwell's Creek off John McCain. I won't be around, have to work, but it's a neighborhood sale, so there is bound to be good stuff there. Oh how I love a good garage sale!!

    Take care - Amy

  3. It is always nice to bake something without going to the store to buy some ingredient.

  4. I'm glad you found my blog because I can't wait to read yours! I am frugal too! My favorite frugal snack is salsa cream cheese dip. take one 8-oz cream cheese and mix with salsa or picantie sauce (just use your judgement on how much, make the consistancy like you like it). Serve with chips or crackers. This is easy and most of the time I have both of these things in my fridge already.


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