Monday, April 6, 2009

Menu Monday

I had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday night I got a special date night with my hubby (Posh Josh) you will understand the nickname soon.

The kids were off to his mom's house. He made reservations for dinner. Knowing I am a frugal girl I am expecting On the Border so we can share fajitas and have a few drinks. No... he made reservations at Boi Na Braza a Brazilian steakhouse. Are you kidding me, they do not offer coupons and it is very expensive! Posh Josh insisted we needed to treat ourselves like we used too. So I gave in without resistance... what a wonderful night we had. We sat at this nice table all dressed up for 2 hours with no high chairs or children throwing food.

After dinner we headed to the movies, again no coupons. We saw The Knowing. Very creepy movie. I enjoy doomsday movies, no chick flicks for me. What a wonderful splurge date we had! Thank you Posh Josh!

On to my menu for the week:

Monday: Make your own pizza. We are using ready made pizza crust this week. Toppings include hamburger, pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapenos (my favorite)

Tuesday: Hot Dogs (Only Hebrew National) and Tator Tots for the boys, I have a dance recital meeting with the girls.

Wednesday: Client Dinner for Hubby's work... I think Gloria's or PF Chang's. Wow, we are on a roll!

Thursday: Grilled Burritos, a big favorite in our house. Let me share....
What you need:
Big Tortilla's
Cooked Rice (I used Knor Spanish Rice)
Shredded Cheese
Black Beans (Drained and Rinsed)
Refried Beans (I used Old El Paso Fat Free)
Chicken (I used the Oscar Meyer Southwest Strips)
Sour Cream

1. Lay out the tortilla, top with refried beans smooth around.
2. Add the rice, cheese, black beans, chicken, jalapenos and anything else you want to add.
3. Fold into a huge burrito.
4. Spray with cooking spray and put on the grill. (We use the George Foreman Grill)
5. Once cooked top with sour cream and salsa. We also add Guacamole for an extra treat!

Friday: (Good Friday) This is a special day for Christians (we are Catholic and yes we are still considered Christians. I get that question a lot because I was raised Baptist and changed churches as an adult)

We will be fasting and only eating one large meatless meal. Since the whole family will be out of work and school we will have a big lunch. Maybe eating Pizza or Fish Sticks. We have both I'll let the kids choose.

Hope you have a wonderful week, what's your favorite planned meal this week? For more menu's check out

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  1. OOOH I want to try the grilled burritos! :) THANKS!

  2. love the burruto recipe! Do you think I can "grill" it in a skillet, panini style? I don't have a G.F. Grill.

  3. Yes you can grill it in a skillet or bake it in the oven. They are so yum! I've been thinking about moving them to tonight instead of Wednesday.

  4. Loving the splurge date night...however it does have a coupon...check the entertainment passbook:) What I am to Posh Josh, Rick is to Frugal Jen:) That man can find a coupon for ANYTHING!!

    It is so nice you got a chance to be kid free:) Oh and I am so trying those burritos...i love the ones from Taco Bell but they aren't so hot for my waist line:)


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