Monday, April 20, 2009

Menu Monday & Kitchen Reveal

Kitchen Reveal
Lot's of info today! I was reminded by a friend I never posted after photos of the kitchen. You remember I wrote so much about. If you missed it, read about it here. Here it is!!! I absolutely love it! Remember the before:

After... good bye teal blue and white

Special Thanks!

I want to thank some of my wonderful friends at church, your kind words about my blog warm my heart! Yesterday as I dropped little miss of at the nursery some of my nice friends commented on my blog. To think that people read and put to use some of my little tips brings such a smile to my face. Thank you ladies for your kind words!

Menu Monday

What's for dinner this week? I am trying something a little different... more leftovers. Keep reading you'll see what I mean. This is a little way to save some extra $$$.

Monday: Beef Taco's and Knorr Spanish Rice and Ol El Paso Fat Free Beans

Tuesday: Leftovers as Taco Salad

Wednesday: Sadler's Beef Brisket and Tator Tot's

Thursday: Leftovers Brisket on top of Baked Potato's

Friday: Back to Make your own Pizza! I discovered Wal-marts Take and Bake Pizzas. They are really good and you can get a large cheese for $6. I then buy my own topping and we each add our own flavors. Easy and cheap!

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  1. You new kitchen is so warm and inviting. Great job! Really beautiful and it's even more beautiful knowing you got what you wanted at a price you could live with.

  2. I can't remember if you have an Aldi. They have a cheese pizza kit for $2.49. It's supposed to make two pizzas, but I just use it for one and put it on my medium bar pan from pampered chef. It makes the crust really thick, and then we just add our own toppings. My kids LOVED it! The Walmart brand is probably comparable, I just haven't used it.

    I started back to the Y today. Oweeeeee! It sure felt good though!

    Have a great week, Jen. We'll have to chat this week!

  3. Your kitchen turned out beautiful! You are making me want to do some remodeling. :)

  4. Great job Jen! I love it, the tile warms it up so nicely. I've finally decided what to do about my kitchen cabinets...the last phase of my kitchen before I start redoing it again (lol).

    Oh, and good for you about the blog comments. Your blog is full of very useful info. I'm trying to challenge myself this week to start more blog entries related to my title instead of such randomness.

  5. Oh, I LOVE your kitchen! Congrats & good job!

  6. Love the Kitchen, beautiful!

    I wanted to share a couple Earth Week freebies/deals too.

    Dunkin Donuts and Supporting Our Troops...

  7. Beautiful kitchen make-over!-

    Love your menu for the week...Sadler's brisket is one of my favorites!!!- I used to live in Tex. and am friends with some of those "precious Sadler's"! :)


  8. Love the kitchen:)

    Oh and can you poll your readers for some goof casseroles to freeze? We are headed for the freezing food stage and I'm not digging the stuff we usually freeze and have on hand...just thought they'd be a good resource!

  9. I always use my leftover brisket on potatoes the next day too! So yummy and technically a different meal from the day before. We enjoyed lunch yesterday!

  10. Your kitchen looks so good! I love the tile backsplash and all the warm colors.


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