Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope you all have a Happy Easter with your family today! For those of you who read my family blog I was a little worried Dude Man would be sick for Easter. We have a tradition (3 years running) of the stomach bug. Dude Man made a quick recovery so we are all heading to Easter church today! Whoo! We've broken the bad tradition. On to a normal one like going to church and hunting eggs.

Happy Easter from me and Little Miss! We got this free 5 X 7 at Wallyworld when we were grocery shopping. Sorry it was too late for me to post the freebie :( This Easter Bunny was super creepy. His eye was falling off and he sat really close to me. What can I expect it was free and it was Wallyworld.... right?

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1 comment:

  1. We have a picture with Nathan and the Easter Bunny that was really scary too! It was taken at an easter egg hunt in Ft Worth one year. They bunny has vicious looking teeth and freaky eyes. I can't believe he wasn't scared of him (I was!). Anyway, hope your easter was happy & glad to see everyone well in church today. The kids were adorable!!


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