Friday, April 10, 2009

Freebie Friday

Spring is here, that means lot's of samples and coupons!!! Have you noticed how fat the coupon stash in the newspaper is? I need to do some spring cleaning of my coupon mess.

Free Dry Erase Paint Sample- This is a great freebie for crafters. You could make little dry erase board for the kids. When I get my sample I will feature a little craft.

Free Dog Tag- Mighty Dog is offering a free citizenship kit and dog tag for all you dog lovers out there.

Free sunglasses case- Summer is on it's way. This is a great freebie to throw in your beach or pool bag. Such a bummer when you reach in and find broken sunglasses.

Sample of Gillette Body Wash- Girls surprise your husband with a sample.

Free Hunt's Ketchup coupon plus more- Sign up for simple and delicious, get coupons in the mail. We go through a bottle of ketchup a week. We love this stuff, just like salsa!

Free sample of energy stuff- I can always use extra energy. Remember I have 3 kids!

Free Huggies Diaper- Moms always enjoy free diapers. If you don't have little one's in diapers order a sample and give to a friend with diaper kids. The samples are for size Newborn - Size 2. (Adrien I will be giving you my diaper samples for little Adley :)

More Emergen-C samples- This is the time of year (in Texas) people get sick. If you have allergies Texas in the spring is a bad place. Get a sample and get well!

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  1. Thanks Jen! I made your burritos and they were soooo good! I will definitely be pulling out the George Foreman again!

    Also, I have a cool new giveaway I think you'd be interested in! :) Feel free to check it out (and enter!)
    Blush Topless Undershirt Giveaway!

  2. Thank you Jen! Happy Good Friday!


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