Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesdays Tip - Pantry Purge

Last week I was watching Oprah, I found myself inspired by The Clean Up Your House Tour with Peter Walsh . I was in shock with some of these messy homes. Really, how can you live in such a mess. But then again I am the mom who's kids clean baseboards with wet wipes (remember this post)

Then I was blog surfing and I found this post from Thrifty Decor Chick she made her pantry look so inviting.

This was a sign... it was time to reorganize my pantry. I turned this......

In to this more organized version of a pantry:

I went out hunting for bargains. I looked at Dollar Tree... nothing. I looked at Bed Bath & Beyond... too expensive. Then I went to good ole Wallyworld (Wal-mart)... bingo!

What did I do?

  • I found plastic containers for $2 and glass jars for $2 and $3 for saltine crackers, cheese crackers, diet granola bars, brown sugar and bread crumbs. I plan to get more for my flour and sugar.
  • I was also searching for something to hold the kids snacks at their level so I found a plastic bin that normally holds scrapbook paper. Take a look perfect snack bin for granola bars, gummies and breakfast bars.
  • Shelf riser.. (not sure what to call it) it added another row for me to organize my plastic bags.
  • I organized the bottom shelf for all the goodies for the little one's to reach. Now they know where to get the snacks and no empty boxed in the pantry.

    Look at all the extra boxes I got rid of.... off to the recycle bin

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  1. I need to do this also; when I find time. Love you idea's and thanks for sharing.

  2. Very Nice! Hey, I start my Mega-T today. I have a site for a coupon. I'll e-mail it to you. Have a great day!

  3. Love your ideas! I was trying to do that yesterday, shopping for organizational tools. I stopped by the dollar store and didn't see anything either. Thanks for letting me know about Walmart. Should've known!

  4. Your before photo looks EXACTLY like my pantry!! Sad Sad...wanna come over and organize mine for me???? Ha Ha!

  5. I do love an organized pantry! Great job :)


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