Thursday, March 5, 2009

My kitchen is beautiful!!!!

The contractors are here installing right now... it looks FABULOUS!!! Surprisingly it looks way better with the new selection then the other one. I was worried for nothing, what a relief!

These counters look exactly like granite and the slate looks so good! Can you tell I am excited!!!!

Here is a sneak peak:

Remember the way it looked a week ago?

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  1. And I am so jealous! You and I have the same cabinets and I beiece old counter tops. I have two different colors. There is a black on the center cook island and kitchen bar and on the other two counter tops is this grey color. Show me a close up, would love to see it.

  2. I just passed an award on to you :) Go to my blog for details

  3. Looks great! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to see more. Congrats!:)


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