Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kitchen Crisis

OK.... I need to take a deep breath. Remember the photos yesterday of my kitchen torn up? Well I got a phone call from the contractor today.... the formica I choose is on back order and it could be 9 WEEKS!!!! Let me yell that again 9 WEEKS!!!! My kitchen ... well I wouldn't call it a kitchen because I can do NO cooking.

So if I want to get counters in the next month or two I have to choose a new brand and kind. Which might sound like no problem but the one I selected was the only one I liked period. So I am heading to Lowes and Home Depot to take another look. If anyone out there in blogland has laminate countertops please tell me the kind you have because I need ideas!

Thanks for listening to me vent about my wrecktastic kitchen. I hope to be posting a photo by this weekend. I feel frugal frumpy right now :(

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  1. I am so sorry to hear that! I could not imagine. I don't have any suggestions on the laminate countertops b/c I have corian...I don't think they are laminate?!? I hope that you get this all figured out soon. Good Luck!

  2. Oh, I'm beginning to hyperventilate with flashbacks to when we built our house a year and a half ago! We STILL have about 3 things that haven't been done yet!! Hang in there!!

  3. Blech! That stinks! If you need a field trip to escape the madness it looks like we're headed to the zoo tomorrow.

  4. Oh Jen...that is awful..we have silestone and it IS a little more expensive then laminate but it also lasts forever and is kid proof...we picked an in stock variety and had it next day...

    Also, Rick said he could take a look at your PC whenever you needed...and we will see you at the zoo tomorrow:)


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