Monday, February 23, 2009

Menu Monday

I found a great recipe for Chicken Enchiladas online last week we loved it! This was our fancy Sunday dinner meal. Have I told you about our family night on Sundays? We sit in the dining room and get out our china and we all discuss the coming week and go over the Sunday readings at church. Then we follow it up with a board game. We also unplug the phones and dedicate 1 night to our family uninterrupted.

This week we have....

Monday- Spaghetti and meatballs (we didn't get to this last week) with garlic bread

Tuesday- yummy leftovers from our Sunday chicken enchiladas

Wednesday- Ash Wednesday we will be attending mass (day of fasting)

Thursday- Grilled Chicken Sandwiches (Pilgrim's Pride frozen chicken breast cooked then topped with BBQ sauce, cheese and bacon) and French Fries

Friday- Fish Sticks and Tator Tots (No more pizza Friday's during lent we do not eat meat on Friday's during this time)

I hope to get a photo of my new haircut this week. My little one is sick so we are stuck in the house so that means no makeup for me but.... my hair looks great!

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