Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

I finished my new personal cookbook. I posted about this project last week. It turned out FABULOUS!!! Family recipes, friend favorites, magazine tear outs (Southern Living), online recipes and last but not least my library recipes( for copyright reasons you must hand copy not photocopy). These recipes were all over the place not to mention I have sticky notes in 10 cookbooks. So I consolidated them into this.....

I made these dividers (individual to the way I organize and think of recipes):
  • Appetizers
  • Soups and Sauces
  • Bread
  • Sides
  • Mexican Food (it gets it's own section)
  • Casseroles
  • Breakfast
  • Meat
  • Chicken
  • Desserts


  1. that is so funny... I bought some notebooks and a 3 hole punch the other day so that I can begin to organize my recipes too!

    Great minds.... WE may have to have a recipe swap party sometime!!

  2. Love this! I have a drawer of recipes I try. If they pass the family test they make it to the drawer to be retrieved later. Maybe one day they'll make it to a binder.

    Have you ever tried Pioneer Woman's recipes? Her recipes are fabulous but probably in line caloricly for someone who takes care of a ranch.

    Thanks for you posts! They inspire me.

  3. It looks great! I really need to do this.

  4. Awesome!

    Wanted to share ;)

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  5. Griffith Family, I like the Pioneer women blog, she amazes me that she can do so much.

    Jennifer, thanks for the reminder about the free shampoo!

  6. very nice!!! Love the cover! Thanks for the reminder, I need to make dividers!

  7. I have my personal binders too recipes, think I may be a binder addict ;) Love your blog!


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