Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wasteless Wednesday - Holiday Gift Ideas

Don't Waste Reuse!

Pringles Cans- clean them out and cover with wrapping paper, fill with homemade cookies. What a great gift!

Glass jars- I am saving our glass jars for homemade salsa. You can also use them for homemade hot chocolate for Christmas gifts. I will be posting my mom's secret recipe soon.

Old Christmas Cards- Don't throw away your Christmas cards after the holiday is over. Cut strips of the design and reuse next year as holiday gift tags.

Old Evening Gowns and costume jewelry- put in a box for your kids, friends kids or grandchildren. Kids love to play dress up. If the dresses are really long cut them shorter for kid length and use the extra fabric as a wrap.

Brown Paper Grocery Bags- opt for paper and save the paper bags, get the paints out and let your kids decorate the paper with red and green paint then wrap presents.

White Elephant Gift Exchange- at least one holiday party partakes in this annual tradition. Find something you don't use that others might enjoy.


  1. These are great! I did a printable calendar for everyone this year & last and it went over really well. The template I use is here

  2. Jennifer - I found your blog from Julie Miller Chambers...thought I'd let you know I'm "blog stalking" you. I read everyday! Take care!

    Amy Stendebach Weir

  3. Wow Jen, thats awesome how you save so well! Thanks for the comment on my blog, im totally JUST starting out (if you cant tell haha). I wish I could have got the mini crockpot, but oh well. There's always next year :) Keep up the great posts, im gonna keep you in my readings.


  4. Hey girl!! I gave you a BLOG award!!! XOXO


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