Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wasteless Wednesday - Save Your Corks

My husband and I enjoy red wine. After we uncork a bottle I save the corks. For a long time I had them in a decorative jar then I saw a FABULOUS idea at a friends house a wine cork board. I went home and made one that day and this is what I came up with.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Find a large picture frame your are not using 11 X 14 or larger. I bought this simple black one at wal-mart for $5
  2. I cut the corks in half (easy not to slice a finger, I assume no liability)
  3. Remove the glass from the frame and discard (don't have any frugal tips for the glass)
  4. Arrange the cut corks in the frame along the card board backing of the frame.
  5. Once you have a good pattern remove one at a time and hot glue on the cardboard backing.
  6. Enjoy your new cork board. I have mine over my desk with birthday party invites and announcements to display and remind me what we have coming up.


  1. I've seen this before and think it is too cute! I love wine, mostly whites, but since husband doesn't like it, it takes me a long time to build up a cork collection!

  2. We look like wino's with all those corks, hum...

  3. So what can I do with the boxes my wine comes out of??
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  4. Great idea! I have tons of these, too. I didn't mean to delete your comment about the Halloween candy, I was trying to delete a spam & deleted yours instead. Sorry! :0)

  5. Ooohhhh--an excuse to drink more wine (and not that junk from the box ;) )

    Neat idea!

    Happy POW :)

  6. wow! It turned out great! Thanks for sharing it with us!


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