Friday, November 7, 2008

Freebie Friday

Free sample of Gain Detergent. These are some of my favorite samples. I love trying the new smells for the clothes.

Now this is an interesting sample Kick Butt Energy Balls. I had to order a sample just to see what this is. Mommy needs some energy!

Free Huggies Diaper Sample. Frugal Tip: With baby #1 I bought nothing but Huggies diapers. Now on baby #3 I buy the Wal-mart parents choice brand or the Target Brand. They work great no leaks or diaper rash and I save 50% from the name brand. The baby's bottom doesn't know the difference.

For those pet owners, here is a Free Dog Tag.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking out my blog! I had to chuckle when I saw the name of yours. Great minds! Frugal is fabulous, right?! :)


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